Wanting to understand how
spirit communication works?

Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one and wish to connect with them or you’re looking to develop your skills as a medium,

Learn my
3 Easy Guided Meditation
Exercises to Strengthen Your Clairs
and Speak to Spirit.

You’ll Discover:

Three easy guided meditative practices that you can do anytime to develop and expand your clair senses so that you can speak to spirit

  • How to understand the way you uniquely receive spiritual impressions so that you can advance your mediumship

  • How to expand your mediumistic toolbox by working to develop all the clairs instead of limiting your spirit communication to just one dominant clair

  • How to recognize spiritual impressions so you can build your confidence as a medium

About Mel

Shortly after my move from NYC to Colorado in 2020, I had my daughter and my spider senses turned turbo! I experienced what I’d call my first conscious visitations from my paternal grandmother and the father of a close friend. I was encouraged to try giving mediumistic readings for free, with full transparency for my sitter about where I was on my journey. 

I remember my first attempt at a Mediumistic Reading. I lost track of time, but what I suppose was about 30 minutes later, I sat completely dumfounded with my generous volunteer sitter and had brought through her grandmother and aunt on her mother’s side. I knew details of their passing and the timing, their connection to the family and their closest living family members. I saw objects they had left behind that were currently in my sitters home and had been kept in honor of them. I was shown memories of the end of life goodbye, and I could feel who they were and how they were.

Five weeks later I jumped on a plane to attend residential studies at Arthur Findlay College in Essex, UK. I’ve continued my studies and training through multiple tutors and teachers via weekly mediumship development circles, and online and residential trainings with the Arthur Findlay College and with the Journey Within Spiritualist Church, plus more.